Thursday, October 20, 2011

Leaving on a prop plane

So I'm in Las Vegas. On a plane. A very small plane. The seat I'm in is both a window seat and an aisle seat. like I said, it's a small plane.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My first blog, a short rant about Panera Bread

So here is my blog.  I really hate blogs.  I take that back, I have nothing against the blogs, my anger is really targeted towards bloggers.  Most bloggers really have nothing of substance or insight to share with the world.  I on the other hand have insights of profound importance that need to be shared with the masses and for my first blog post ever, I cant think of anything more important to address than Panera Bread Co.  You will notice that my blog posts are short as I have a very short attention span and get distracted easily, so I usually eliminate any superfluous words and concentrate on brevity.  So now,  on to Panera Bread...

I have very hostile feelings about Panera Bread.  Actually, like bloggers, my issue is not with the company at all, but with their customers.  I have had many, many amazing sandwiches in my life.  None of them have been purchased from Panera Bread.  I've had many delicious bowls of soup in my life.  Again, none of them came from Panera Bread.  PB is ok at best and yet there are flocks of people who rave about the culinary wonder that is Panera Bread.  I am really curious where these tastebud-less people purchased their sandwiches prior to the arrival of sandwich messiah Panera.  I suppose if subway was the only sandwich you ever had or if you thought that soup only came in a can, than the idea of Panera Bread might be exciting, but in reality their stuff just isn't that good.   It seems to me that the indoctrination of Panera customers starts with the company itself... from their website...

"We are Panera. We are bakers of bread. We are fresh from the oven.
We are a symbol of warmth and welcome. We are a simple pleasure, honest and genuine. We are a life story told over dinner. We are a long lunch with an old friend. We are your weekday morning ritual. We are the kindest gesture of neighbors. We are home. We are family. We are friends."

What in the world?  Are you serious?  They are a crappy sandwich and a bland bowl of soup.  They should give the ex-Hallmark employee who wrote that a raise, because it almost made me want to go there.  The followers of the Panera cult  must be totally brainwashed.  Come to think of it, I think Ive heard customers chanting this mantra as they stand in line waiting to order their crap on fresh bread.  

So what's the moral of this story?  There isn't one. But I will say, its easy to see why our country is in the shape that its in, when you see the mindless sheep thinking they're eating something delicious just because they are told that it if you like Panera Bread, good for you, just keep it to yourself.